
Sunrider mask of arcadius uncensored
Sunrider mask of arcadius uncensored

  • Action Girl: Most of the girls fit this, as they pilot Mecha into battle.
  • Prototype (Gimmick): They don't have any ship but since they are able to send their own spy into all of the factions they are able to access units from different factions.
  • Cera (Pariah): Although they are a guerrilla army, they don't have a strong center leader like Cosette, and they are forced to either hide themselves or join the Pirate side.
  • This makes them a Jack-of-All-Trades faction.
  • Mining Union (Generalist): Although they only use lighter ships for escort, they are able to befriend multiple sides and own a large private army with different backgrounds.
  • It requires you to use combined arm tactics due to their specialised nature.
  • Sunrider (Unit Specialist): They are a mixture of many units for many different purposes.
  • Pirate (Guerilla): Lackluster health and firepower since they need to use old and outdated weapons.
  • PACT (Ranger): They prefer to use lighter ship and long range engagement but they fall short in term of attrition war.
  • Also, they can win a long term war against PACT due to their attrition advantage.
  • Alliance (Turtle): Their main policy is focused on defensive doctrine and all of their units have higher health than PACT's counterpart in Mask of Arcadius.
  • Ryuvian (Elitist): All of their ships have high health and deal massive damage but their number is very limited.
  • Unfortunately, a time-travelling Ryuvian warlord has become trapped in the present day and plans to rebuild the Empire by conquering the galaxy. Fortunately, they've long since forgotten the secrets of their technology and become a Vestigial Empire. They also had fleets of dreadnoughts whose main weapons could destroy everything within half a lightyear, and conceivably destroy reality itself if they all fired at once. Their empire ruled the entire galaxy for tens of thousands of years, their emperors were worshipped as gods because of their nearly-magical technology, and their royal court was a snake pit of intrigues and plots.
  • Abusive Precursors: The ancient Ryuvians were not nice people.
  • sunrider mask of arcadius uncensored sunrider mask of arcadius uncensored

    It is revealed that no student council in the past 30 years has managed to even get a club budget passed, and that most student council presidents just use the position to get dates.

  • Absurdly Powerful Student Council: In Academy on Ava's route, this is inverted.
  • A scene in Chigara's route in Sunrider Academy suggests that this is because humans exterminated aliens rather than subjugated them in the distant past.
  • Absent Aliens: Aliens are never seen or mentioned outside the occasional reference to Space Whales, despite the first game starting with an exposition dump about how humans have "subjugated" all life and become the dominant species in the galaxy.

  • Sunrider mask of arcadius uncensored